Tell us a little bit about what you both spend a majority of your time doing:
Hey we’re Lacey and Sarah! We’ve been together a little over one year. We currently live in Dallas, and spend the majority of the time practicing social distancing. We love going to open-air concerts and comedy shows outdoors. This is the most lesbian thing I’ve ever typed, and I know it sounds cliche, BUT we have three dogs and enjoy taking them to the dog park while drinking white claws out in the open because it’s COVID, you know?
What is the first thing you remember about the other when you first met?
LACEY: Sarah was waiting for me at an outside table at a restaurant on a warm September evening in Brooklyn. We had initially swiped right, and I remember thinking she was so much more beautiful than her photos online. I immediately got nervous! AND I NEVER GET NERVOUS. Before she could see my slight panic, I straightened my back and put some confidence in my stride as I walked over to greet her.
SARAH: I had asked Lacey for drinks at one of my favorite spots in Brooklyn, Faun. She had told me she was attending a Lizzo concert earlier in the evening – and honestly I thought she double booked me! I recall having my guard up initially, but her honest responses to my direct line of questioning – in tandem with her immediate vulnerability, drew me in immediately. She made me feel safe and comfortable within the first hour. I knew in that moment she was someone that would allow be to be my authentic self. On a somewhat related note, the reason Faun is one of my favorite spots is because I was out one night with my sister having dinner, there is a local bakery nearby, and following our meal, she was able to walk in to the bakery, order, and demolish an oreo cheesecake – all before our Uber came to pick us up in under 4 minutes. It was one of the most impressive feats I’ve seen, and she will kill me for disclosing that fact.
Where did the proposal go down and why?
I asked Sarah to marry me in the same city we had our first date – Brooklyn, NY. I wanted to take her back to where we met, and where our best friends and her sister live so they could be part of the celebration.
How did the proposal go down?
Lacey had booked a hotel room and the spot for the engagement festivities at the One Brooklyn Bridge Hotel with help from Alex Korey, Managing Director (and good friend) at KK Travels Worldwide. Sarah had a very good inclination that we were going to get engaged, and thought we’d be doing it under the Brooklyn Bridge. However, that was never my plan! The night Biden won the election, I had asked Sarah if she would like to go to the rooftop and have a cocktail before walking the Brooklyn Bridge.
Steph and I had charmed the host earlier that afternoon to show them where we’d like the proposal to happen, and asked them to move a few umbrellas out of the way for the best shots possible. When we walked upstairs, the same host helped us to our tables where Steph was army crawling on the ground, out of Sarah’s sight. I sat down with Sarah briefly, and drank a glass of champagne. I WAS NERVOUS!
I eventually got down on one knee and told her that God had kneaded her and I out of the same dough (shout out to Rupi Kaur, y’all, IYKYK), and that we were not perfect people, but we were certainly perfect for each other. I then asked her to marry me. To my delight, she said yes.
Steph caught all the magic, and then walked with us around the hotel to get a few more photos. In reality, we were stalling for our 4 best friends and her sister to meet us on the rooftop. Eventually Sarah saw her sister and started crying happy tears. All of us were hugging and really excited for the occasion. More champagne and a dinner followed downstairs at a private dining room in the hotel (also setup by Alex)
What is one piece of advice that you would give to other couples planning a surprise proposal?
We asked all of our friends to get a rapid test prior to meeting so we knew we were in a safe environment. If we flew, we flew Delta because we know they take social distance precautions and limit inflight interactions. We were engaged on a rooftop, purposely as far from others as we could get. You can be romantic and have fun, all while staying safe.
Top 3 things that you feel make a marriage/partnership last?
1) Your person is going to bring out some issues that you need to work on. Make sure to see when that happens and recognize it as an opportunity to learn about yourself and grow,
2) Be with your best friend and someone who you actually LIKE,
3) Be with someone who you can fully be yourself around.
Why’d you choose Steph to document these memories for you?
Steph is one of my best friends who just happens to have an excellent eye. Her work, personality, and help with planning is truly just fantastic. I knew I wanted Steph to take photos of this proposal about a month after Sarah and I started dating, and she spent a lot of time joking she’d be wearing my cumberbun to our wedding in the next year. I’d have been a fool to have anyone else document the most important day of our lives.
Now push play and pretend like you were there with us:

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