27 August, 2015 Amanda Hite // Be The Change Revolutions
A few weeks back I packed up my camera & made my way to Washington, D.C. for the first time in life! How the heck did it take me so long to get there? I had booked a last minute session with someone who is making a serious impact in this world. To say she will leave behind a legacy is an understatement. I first met Amanda Hite at a conference I was photographing in 2012. Not only did I hear her speak but I also heard Kat Cole. YEAH. All in one day! I was on inspiration overload. I left that conference wanting to build a brand that would focus on storytelling by featuring compelling imagery. A brand that could do its part to somehow make the world a better place. Oh, and I left that conference wanting to know more about Amanda & Kat and one day photograph both of them. This year I did just that! Amanda and I started shooting bright and early at a rad coworking space in Dupont Circle called WeWork. Then we made our way around the city to all of her favorite spots. I was only there for 2 days but she did a good job of showing me those must see spots. Go check out what Amanda is up to on her Twitter and Instagram and read a little more about her in the interview below:
When I turned 30, I got this insatiable desire to do something more meaningful. It’s in my DNA to be an entrepreneur, so I went to San Diego, sat on a beach for 72 hours, created a vision for my future, came home, JFDI’d, and was on my way.
We started BTC to create a company where people could be exactly who they are (unapologetically authentic), live better work lives, and apply their talents to meaningful change. Our movements are to ‘be the change’ we wish to see in the marketing space, work/lifestyle space, and the world. We’re the agency and workplace of the future.
I speak a lot about ‘This Social Revolution’ and using it to change the marketplace, workplace and the world. I also give a talk called ‘Personal Revolution,’ where I talk about authenticity, self acceptance, love, lifestyle, and purpose.
1. Tell me a little bit about what you spend most of your days doing.
Most people don’t believe this, but I am a total introvert. I rejuvenate by being alone. I like things that are calm and low key. So while my work life moves really fast, I like to take my personal life really slow. Work is usually either traveling to speak or to meet clients and talk strategy, or being in our D.C. office conducting talent interviews and work video calls/meetings. When I’m in D.C., I like to schedule lunch and coffee dates to break up my day and meet cool new people who are passionate about their work and committed to changing the world. In my personal time, I dedicate time each day to meditate and do some internal hard work to just become a better human being in general. I’m also a geek, so I love catching up on politics, humanitarian efforts, and further developing my spirituality. I’m currently into a blend of Christianity and Buddhism.
2. What is your morning ritual?
I’m madly in love with mornings. When I’m home, I wake up anywhere between 4 a.m. and 6 a.m. to down a bottle of water and catch the sunrise. Right now the weather is fantastic in D.C., so I go to my rooftop with my headphones and listen to a mediation while I watch the sunrise, set my intentions for the day, then do a little reading. Afterwards, I make breakfast and my secret recipe matcha tea drink while watching the back end of Morning Joe and browsing Instagram. Then, I’ll usually take a quick walk or, on days when I have more time, I’ll venture to the National Mall or Rock Creek Park. After that, it’s a shower, get ready, call an Uber, and get to the office.
3. Why do you think it’s important for people to “Be The Change” and “Promote Love” on a regular basis?
The world definitely needs more love makers. I believe with all my heart that love is the prescription for all that is ill in the world. I believe that’s why we’re on this earth—to love and care for each other. Promote love and make love. God knows the world needs it.
4. Favorite TV series and why?
The Newsroom, hands down. I love how maniacally committed they are to their mission and what a high performing team they are. I’m passionate about social justice and they are, too. Earlier this year, I got to have dinner with my favorite actor from the show, Thomas Sadoski. He is literally one of the most authentic, genuine, and kind human beings I’ve ever met. Such a rad dude.
5. Top 3 people or organizations to follow who you feel are doing good in this word:
@nokidhungry because they’re going to end childhood hunger in America.
My dear friend @katcoleATL because she’s a powerful business woman who believes in connecting business and society to make the world a better place. She’s the best role model I know in life and work.
@VickyBeeching because I think she’s a rare individual who has the unique talent, experience, and voice to literally change the world as it relates to religion and LGBT equality.
6. Favorite inspiring quote.
Gandhi, of course. “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Amanda Hite
Posted at 14:43h, 28 AugustDefinitely one of the coolest & most inspirational people I have ever met. I met Amanda at the Share Our Strength Conference of Leaders in Baltimore a few years ago and I still remember her inspirational speech to this day. She is truly a change-maker in every sense of the word. Great interview & great photos!