30 September, 2015 Amber + Sara // Lesbian Wedding Dallas
When I had Sara and Amber over to my loft in Dallas we hit it off right away. I love their little family, and I don’t think I have ever met a kid who can make me laugh more! We may not get together as much as we would like but having them in my life has been an added bonus. They have been massive supporters of the Promote Love Movement and they believe in going out of their way to make sure people are smiling. Here are some images from their wedding last month and a quick Q&A with Sara and Amber!
1. Where did you guys meet? Paint us a picture of the scene.
We met at the Olive Garden in Clear Lake, TX. We were attending a mutual friend’s birthday lunch.
Sara: I remember first seeing Amber while we were waiting for a table. She was sitting on this girl’s lap. This girl turned out to be one of her greatest friends, Katie, but I thought it was her girlfriend. Everyone gives me a hard time for thinking they were together. What can I say? She was sitting on her lap! I remember stealing glances at Amber and thinking she was the most beautiful girl that I had ever seen. I thought “Damn. That girl (Katie) is one lucky chick”. I was too shy to talk to Amber during lunch… even if she was sitting next to me the entire time. When we were leaving I think I cracked a joke… but that was the first time I spoke directly to her.
Amber: I don’t remember. I was staring at her butt. The first time I saw Sara… I was in the backseat of my friend’s car in an Olive Garden parking lot. We were there for our friend’s birthday lunch. See… Katie, my friend and bridesmaid, and I drove to Houston, TX to surprise the birthday girl the night before. I was beyond exhausted that Saturday morning. I remember grabbing the biggest t-shirt I packed and comfy jeans. Hair up. No make-up. No effort. So here I am. In the backseat. And Sara pulls up next to us in her Z71. She stepped out of her truck and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. I immediately regretted every choice I made that morning. She was beautiful. She had this smirk on her face and I was done. I didn’t know I would end up marrying her… but I knew that I would kiss her before the night was over.
2. How long have you been together?
You could say we have been together since that night. We’re coming up on 7 years together!
3. What is your guys’ next step now that you’re married?
We promised our son, Brandon, all 50 states. We’re headed to Los Angeles next month and we’re surprising him with a trip to Washington D.C. (White House tour included) for his birthday! In the past year we have been to New York, New Mexico, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina and Florida. Our goal is to backpack across Europe before Brandon reaches high school. Ideally, we would love to put our jobs on hold and spend a year traveling. We’ll see what happens!
4. What do you think is the most important thing to make a long lasting, loving relationship successful?
Sara:Communication, Compassion and Forgiveness.
Amber: Completely exposing yourself to someone. Becoming selfless. But also realizing and respecting the trust that someone has in you to do these things.
5. What was your guys’ wedding song?
My Favorite Memory by Merle Haggard
6. What is the biggest piece of advice you guys would give to an LGBT couple planning a wedding?
Sara: If you are worried about vendors and their experience with same-sex couples…ask! We did. We told each vendor that they would be providing services for two ladies tying the knot!
Amber: Pick a dress. Love it. Make sure it fits you NOW. Don’t plan to drop pounds. You have wedding cakes to taste.
To see their engagement/family photos in Oak Cliff, TX click HERE.
Venue: NYLO Las Colinas
Photographer: Steph Grant
2nd Photographer: Heather Abbott
Hair/Makeup: Melisa Jean-Charles
Flowers: Out of the Garden
Cake: The Cakery
Lesbian Wedding Dallas
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