09 April, 2015 Steph Goes to Dinah Shore 2015
Once upon a time…a week before Dinah Shore in Palm Springs, CA I got asked to work with Cosmopolitan to photograph this awesome event. An event I had been hearing about since the good old days of the L Word. I spent 27 years living about an hour and a half from the largest lesbian event in the world and have had several invites over the years, but for one reason or another it just never worked out for me to go. Here I was…camera and bathing suit packed and I was ready to take it on full force. Guess what, I was going alone. That changed quickly right when I stepped off of the plane at LAX. Follow me on my Dinah Shore adventure…play the tunes for a good time:

I hop on a 6am flight to LAX after not a minute of sleep. I had been meaning to meet a friend from Instagram for the first time ever so she picked me up from the airport, we ran in slow motion into each others arms and then headed to brunch for the best eggs of our lives before roadtripping to Palm Springs.

The reason I hadn’t gotten any sleep is because I was working on something awesome. I wanted to launch a brand. Check out Promote Love Movement. Dinah Shore was a perfect place to kick it off…loved passing out Promote Love stickers and seeing them on tan bodies all around the pool! More to come on Promote Love very soon…so stay tuned. It’s in its baby stages and I couldn’t be more excited. www.PromoteLoveMovement.com

Of course we stopped along the way at the oversized dinosaurs to take pictures and act a fool. #DinahShaur

Alas, we arrive at Dinah Shore and I’m welcomed with smiling faces and huge hugs from more friends from Instagram. Basically, I spent 5 days with wonderful human beings who I had just met. It couldn’t have been more perfect and I believe that the universe brings people together who need to be together. These girls above are the good ones and we had many a heart to hearts and dance parties at the pool. This is us at the White Party.

This is us on our way to the Black Party. Someone obviously always had to act out;)

I ran into comedian Fortune Feimster…writer for Chelsea Lately.

I looked like a baby dinosaur as I wobbled by the pool and my dimple came out.

….then we held hands & took a bow.

…I was reunited with old friends and we laughed a good amount.
And because a lot of people were asking about the jewelry I was wearing… you NEED to get yourself some of Rebecca Dolber’s jewelry on your body stat. Such talent. Click HERE to take a gander.
What an entertaining weekend. Dinah Shore 2015
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