23 May, 2015 Home To Vote // CONGRATS IRELAND
BIG news today for Ireland! It’s amazing when people join together to #PromoteLove and love wins.
Yesterday, Ireland became the first country in the world to ask its citizens in a nationwide poll whether or not they want to legalize gay marriage. It was a historic step on a global stage for marriage equality but also a giant leap for a country that only decriminalized homosexuality in the 1990s. According to Mashable, the campaign has been fought on a grassroots level, powered by those who want the right for themselves. These are the people who want to stand next to the person they love and marry them. I absolutely love the #HomeToVote campaign where the Irish who no longer lived in Ireland made trips back home just to vote for this.
THIS IS IMPORTANT. This affects so many lives including my own. Please check your hearts and if you haven’t in awhile go over why it is that you do not support love. Do your research. I am not here to debate with you and change your mind… I just ask you to be open minded and reevaluate.
My entire career is centered around love and telling the stories of couples whose love stories are beautiful and deserve to be told and recognized by the law. Just like yours. If you support all things love please join the Promote Love Movement… a movement grounded in love for yourself, love for others and storytelling. We are all we have. We need to join together to promote love, radical acceptance and inclusion. Please watch this video..but if you only watch part of it go to 2:02.
When Same-Sex Marriages Became Legal
About 20 countries have already legalized same-sex marriages. Here is a list of when each did.
“Today I’m thinking of all those young people over the years who were bullied and committed suicide because of their sexuality. This vote was for them, too. This is different from other countries because it was the people who gave it to us, not a legislature.”
Read more about this on the NYTIMES and to view more happy lesbian weddings click HERE.
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