1. Where are you from originally?
I was born and raised in League City, Texas which is in between Houston and Galveston. Moved to Austin during college and lived there for about 10 years before moving to San Antonio!
2. When did you realize your lifestyle needed to change and what adjustments did you make to your schedule/diet immediately?
I have been active all my life but my diet and mindset were all over the place. I was able to eat pretty much whatever I wanted growing up. I continued those eating habits when I got to college. Needless to say, being a human garbage disposal mixed with college partying is not a good formula to saying lean. I became pretty self conscious around the age of 21 and kicked working out into high gear. This lasted a few years but I had not changed my eating and drinking habits. It wasn’t until the age of 27/28 that I realized this was becoming a problem and I was unhappy with the direction my life was taking. I know I needed to change. At that time I was given an opportunity to work with George Farah, who is still my coach to this day. I had always thought about competing but had no idea where to start…well this was my chance and I jumped on it. In the blink of an eye I stopped drinking and completely changed my life. I was working out with a purpose and goal in mind and food became my body’s fuel. After 16 weeks of prep for my first show, the moment I stepped on that stage I realized I had finally found what I was meant to do! After that moment, there was no turning back.
3. How did this improve your life?
It improved all aspects of my life…health, relationships, self worth, mindset, etc. I’m in the best shape of my life at the age of 30(almost 31) and life became more meaningful.
4. Tell us a little bit about your most recent competition.
I recently competed in my first Pro show, the Dallas Europa! The prep went very smoothly and my body responded quickly, which is not always the case. Every prep is different. The last week of prep, which we refer to as peak week, I spent in Dallas to make it as easy as possible. It is very important to let your body and mind relax in the days leading up to a show. I ended up placing 3rd and was super stoked as this was my first show competing as a Pro!
5. So you proposed to your girlfriend during your shoot. Tell us what was going on in your head during that time or leading up to that big moment.
My heavens…what wasn’t running through my mind!!! I had been planning this for months, all while in prep! I am terrible at keeping secrets so in the weeks leading up to the shoot I got really quite (trying not to ruin the surprise) and was just all around exhausted due to prep. So much so that Erin, my fiancé, thought the worst! Little did she know!!! 🙂 I wasn’t too nervous until the actual moment came. I was shaking and completely lost any words I wanted to say. Then I couldn’t get the ring out of my pocket due to my hands shaking so much! Once I finally got the damn thing out and got on my knee, she thought I was joking and told me to get up! lol In true Erin fashion! Needless to say, she was completely surprised and when she realized I was really proposing she said YES!
6. What was your favorite part from the shoot?
Oh boy, that’s a hard one…Of course, proposing to Erin was the highlight of that day! The entire day was absolutely a blast! From the proposal, finally meeting and getting to know Steph, to the amazing shots that were captured!
7. Any words of advice for someone wanting to change up their routine and live a healthier lifestyle but are having a hard time making the change?
The hardest part is just getting started! It requires serious dedication, will power, and a strong desire to be the best you that you can be! The best advice I can give is to not give up on yourself. Your body can achieve anything you desire, it is your mind you must convince.
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Greg J Pollard
Posted at 12:09h, 05 JulyYou did a wonderful job with these photos of my daughter. We love all of them.