You have no idea how thrilled I am to share these photos with you from Nike Women’s Marathon 2013 in San Francisco, CA.
Most of you are aware of my love for storytelling. The purpose of me photographing Nike Women’s Marathon was to capture reactions. To deliver images that had emotion. This is the first year that Nike was implementing jumbotrons into the marathons in the United States. These jumbotrons would be synced with the timing mats that each runner would cross over along their race. The timing mat would register their RFID chip in their bib and trigger the jumbtron to display a personalize encouraging message. Can you imagine after having no energy and feeling like you want to give up…you’re at mile 21 and your name pops up? This is brilliant and it’s safe to say that the reactions were priceless.
I was so lucky to be on the sidelines hearing the squeals when someone unexpectedly saw their name! “Did you see that?! Oh wow…my name was right there!” Some runners even ran back to take their picture with the message. Some jumped up and down while hugging their friends. Sometimes it took everything they had within them to raise their hands, smile and keep running towards that finish line. I had chills from the starting line until the end of the race. Photographing this event was an honor and I am so proud of each and every runner. I left that trip completely inspired to always push yourself to the limit, find your greatness in whatever it is your are doing and FINISH STRONG. Click HERE to see the video footage of people freaking out about the billboards!
Here is the video of the footage I shot and images I took at Nike Women’s Marathon:
Posted at 17:08h, 05 NovemberYou constantly blow me away, Steph. Too many people coast through life on auto-pilot, never tapping into their gifts – never pursuing their dreams – never allowing themselves the simple satisfaction of befriending a black sharpie and a goal list. You model these things daily and are such an inspiration! These photos are incredible. I really love the one of of the guy with the flowers. You are exceptional at capturing emotion!