14 May, 2015 Promote Love Launch Party Dallas
Where the heck do I even begin? I am completely speechless (which is a rare occurrence). THANK YOU. This entire movement would not be possible if it weren’t for YOU. That’s right…I’m happy you stumbled upon this post. You have an opportunity here. 1. Read this post, think “aw that’s cute” & move on with your life or 2. Read this post, feel inspired to do good then get involved with us here at the Promote Love Movement. The Promote Love Movement was born about a month and a half ago and boy has love spread! It’s easy to get involved:
1. Upload a pic of you on Instagram showing how you promote love in your life (volunteering, a love story, doing what you love for work, helping an old woman across the street. You get the picture. Read examples here).
2. Hashtag #PromoteLove and tag our Instagram & Facebook accounts to enter your story.
3. A new story is featured along with a Q&A every Friday on www.PromoteLoveMovement.com
So, this last Thursday was the Promote Love Launch Party. I honestly had no idea what to expect. Over 150 showed up to promote the love at Bullzerk in Dallas! There was live screen printing of shirts on any color, new products released, a rad DJ, and on top of that, the event was sponsored by Jameson Whiskey. My favorite and most important part of the evening was when I found out that we all raised over $500 to donate to the Human Rights Campaign (the largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans) in honor of our good friend Paige who we lost suddenly a few weeks ago. She was a huge promoter of love. It was an honor to have Natalie, the chairwoman of HRC events, there to speak about Paige and her involvement with the HRC.
The launch party was so exciting. So many hugs and running around like a madwoman with my camera, but I remember taking a moment as I stood there in the street on Greenville to take a pic of the outside of the party and I thought…WOW. It’s amazing the difference you can truly make when you surround yourself with all things love. Talk to strangers. Hear their stories. Get friends involved. Don’t just sit there…make things happen. We only have 1 life to live. Love your little hearts out! WE ALL NEED IT. Thank you guys and a big thank you to Dan at Bullzerk & the Dallas street team. You have made me so proud. – Steph XO The Promote Love Shop is now live: HERE.
Promote Love Launch Party
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