My heart is heavy. I don’t know if I want to surround myself with friends or just be alone in silence.
I am left speechless. Which, if you know me, is pretty rare.
Last night, I worked my way to the front of the crowd at the Resource Center here in Dallas to live steam [BELOW] a very important event. The city of Dallas came together to show love for our LGBT family around the world but specifically for Orlando. In the middle of the speeches a massive rainbow appeared and the crowd cheered. Thousands of us marched silently throughout the streets of Dallas holding candles and holding hands. Police cars, motorcycles and helicopters escorted us and kept us safe. Many of you might not know what it feels like to step outside and fear that you may be beaten or murdered for simply being your authentic self. For simply loving. We deal with this on a regular basis. I used to be very quiet about anything LGBT…I was afraid. Mostly of what people thought. I thought they might say something to hurt my feelings. These days it’s different. We now have to fear for our lives. I found myself grabbing my pocket knife yesterday before I left for the rally…I caught myself looking for exits when I entered the building, you know…just in case. But rest assured this will not hold us down. I will not live in fear. We will rally with our allies and we will be brave. None of us are promised tomorrow. I will wake up every single day and live my life with a fierce vision. I will take action. I will speak up for those who cannot. I will choose to love even when I am staring hatred right in the eyes. Love is all we can cling to right now and that’s what I am doing. I hope you plan to do that with me.
I have never felt more proud of my city and my friends. Words were spoken last night that needed to heard. My desire is that hearts are softened and minds are opened. That you will make a little extra room in your hearts for love. We must all come together in times of tragedy and in times of celebration because we are human beings and we all deserve LOVE. Goodnight friends…rest easy and know that you are loved.
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