Tell us a little bit about what you both spend a majority of your time doing!

Hey we’re Jenny & Alex and we’ve been together 1 year and 9 months! We live in Turtle Creek area, and it’s our favorite area in Dallas. Hence the proposal idea in the park at Turtle Creek, where we walk and picnic with the pups. We love running the Katy Trail. We love being outside. We love anything active even if it’s a 3 block stroll in the evening after a long day at work. We are happy living in our little bubble with Kramer, our Maltese and Georgie our Mini Dachshund. We love spending time with family any chance we get whether it’s attending Shabbat dinners with Alex’s family in Dallas or flying to Southern Illinois to spend the weekend with Jenny’s family.
What is the first thing you remember about the other when you first met? Where were you?
Our first communication exchange was, I received a message from Alex on Facebook… She said, Hi, have we met? I immediately panicked thinking oh no, she’s beautiful and I should remember her but I don’t. I messaged her back immediately saying um maybe? You look familiar. (Truly having no idea who she was). Turns out Alex was lying, trying to make me believe we she knew we hadn’t. Sneaky sneaky.
Alex is a lawyer and was at a two week trial at the time and we continued to message her entire trip. Followed by phone calls, following by meeting in person the day she returned. I couldn’t leave her alone after that. I am a couple years older than Alex and was potentially ready for more at the time, and it took some hard pursuing throughout the initial months of our relationship to convince her to give in to me. I knew from the get go, she was who I wanted to learn everything about. She was who I wanted to be with. She was who I would go to extreme limits for, to ensure she’s happy and know she’s always feeling the love. Luckily it worked, and she feels the same way! Woohooo!!
Where did the proposal go down and why that location?
Turtle Creek, near the fountain at our favorite park near the city. It’s a beautiful spot and I knew it would be a surprise as we frequent this park as one of our favorite spots.
Paint a pic of the scene for us.
MONTHS before proposing I looked at the weather projected 3-4 months out. It said it would start warming up in March. I knew I needed to pick a sunny day so took a risk and went with 3/19. Thank goodness I did, it turned out beautiful. By this point I had already created the ring of her dreams, and secretly took lunch over to her parents house to tell them and show them the ring. It was a beautiful lunch we had. Her dad thanked me for giving them a Kodak moment 🙂
The day of the proposal I tricked her into thinking we had some spare time before going to a friend’s house for dinner. It was a beautiful day. The nicest day of the year so far. It just so happened Alex was leaving for another trial that week and she thought a spa day was a good idea. I took her to Crescent Hotel Spa for a Massage and then to get her nails done. PERFECT! She agreed! Her nails will be done for the photos with the ring! Ironically enough, when we were leaving the salon she looked down at her hands and said wow, you need to put a ring on this hand! What are the chances? Little did she know, 4 hours later I would be proposing in turtle creek.
I hired our favorite guitarist from our favorite little Italian restaurant called Avanti, in Uptown. He was playing the guitar in the park down by the water. I had signs leading from the path, down to the water. The signs began with her name, to catch her off guard. The other signs all listed her favorite things… her favorite cities in Israel, her favorite goodies, her favorite moments, things, people etc. The very last sign said ‘OMI’. Omi is Alex’s grandmother who was very dear to her, and who I would give anything to have met before she passed away. Everything I wanted to incorporate into her perfect day was listed on the signs as I knew I didn’t have the tools to bring all of them to life! So what better way than to put them all on signs. We made our way down the hill to the water, while I explained every sign and the meaning behind it. Waiting for us there were wild flowers and candles, as well as a sign turned around backwards. I asked her what I do for her every morning. She said, ‘write me notes’. I had blown up my hand writing on the sign and it read, ‘Will you marry me?’ I got down on one knee and asked and it was the most beautiful moment of our lives. So many visitors in the park on their blankets participated by clapping and congratulating us to follow. It felt like a scene from the movie. This park will forever be even more special than it was before 3/19.
Following the park, our immediate family and friends were waiting at our friend Mark Hitchcock’s house. He had renovated his house in time for this event. New floors, new paint, he even had his chandelier professionally cleaned. Can you say, special? Sonia, a good friend of Jenny’s played the piano and the guitarist came over from the park. Alex’s brother flew in from NYC, Jenny’s family drove down from Illinois and it was a beautiful evening with loved ones and friends. Her reaction was priceless and I got to witness for a second time, the level of surprise and happiness on her face that will live in our memories for a lifetime.
Was there a memory from the proposal that sticks out more than others?
The beautiful weather, the visitors in the park watching us walk down the trail, the sun reflecting off the lake, one of our good friends Steph and expert photographer hiding before snapping our photos, then the moment Alex realized what was happening. I treasure her, and her heart and the fact she was so happy and surprised is something I will never forget. Looking into her eyes that day in the park after putting the ring on her finger….well….. childhood dream. We are made for one another. We will forever carry one another.
What is one piece of advice that you would give to other couples planning a surprise proposal?
Plan ahead and have a couple people to contact that you know you can rely on! Friends go FAR in the planning process and you’re going to need back up assistance at some capacity so have some friends on call the day of the proposal 🙂
Plan it at one of your routine, favorite spots! Then it will be a surprise and you can make any additions you want to make it that much more special.
Top 3 things that you feel make a marriage/partnership last?
Commitment. Commitment encompasses many more than 3 things in making a relationship last. Being in our 30s, Alex and I have been in various relationships while continuing to discover who we are. Over time, you know more and more what you’re looking for in your match, and what you’re not. The mutuality of our love reminds us time and time again that we know we finally found ours. If you know the level of commitment is mutual, your groundwork is established, and you have established the foundation you know will be there no matter what. It is unconditional.
Why’d you choose Steph to document these memories for you?
Why WOULDN’T you choose Steph to document a memory like this? It’s one of the biggest day of your life. You want the best, on an occasion like this. There’s not a more personable/ talented photographer in the industry. I dare you to tell me otherwise! Amazing human and part of our LGBT+ community so that makes her our family.

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