21 October, 2014 Hold Fast Gear Roamographer
Look what arrived on my doorstep today…. ladies & gentlemen allow me to introduce to you… the Hold Fast Gear Roamographer camera bag! The most handsome camera bag ever crafted. I have been flirting with the idea of getting this bag for myself since it was released back in January, but it just never happened. Fast forward to me photographing two beautiful brides in Mystic, CT. Kim & Marie had a gorgeous wedding. This year they have quickly become two close friends. Kimmie is a talented new born photographer in New York City. I was so happy when she volunteered to 2nd shoot for me at my last NYC wedding. She nailed those detail shots. I absolutely love how passionate Marie is about life…and trust me if you’re ever looking for the best restaurants in Brooklyn, no joke these are the girls to ask.
You know I’m all about the backstory. So sit back and let me paint a picture for you Bob Ross style;) So I’m sitting in the back seat of a car driving on the back roads of upstate New York with the windows down. Smelling campfires. Watching the changing fall colors. Drinking pumpkin coffee with Kimmie & Marie. We were going wine tasting at an apple orchard! After a day of laughing and talking about life in general they had something up their sleeves. As we were walking around picking apples they gave me a card…in the card they told me that they bought me my dream camera bag!! Who does that?! I seriously have such thoughtful clients. I definitely cried a little. They are wonderful friends and I am blown away by their generosity. Love you guys! I am still in shock. THANK YOU. I cannot wait to get all of my gear in it and travel the world. Stay tuned for a shoot featuring my new bag and my Hold Fast Gear MoneyMaker camera strap. I get asked about that thing all the time! If you’re a photographer you need to add one to your collection stat. Mine has been with me on many adventures…Cancun, CA, NYC, Hawaii…I shoot weddings & corporate events with it & it’s magical.
Roamographer: One who roams with the intent of capturing life’s great moment.
Hold Fast Gear Roamographer
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