What a perfect way to celebrate lesbian visibility week. Baby Simpson number 2 coming in hot this fall! If you’ve been following along for awhile you’ll remember that I photographed Randi & Kendall’s engagement in 2015 and their wedding in 2017. So many memories and I am lucky to have been included in capturing them. Congrats, sweet friends. 🖤
How long have you been together, and how many of these relationship milestones have I captured now? What are some of your favorite memories from our shoots?
We have been together 9 years. Married 5. Steph has captured our save the date/ engagement pics, wedding, impromptu pregnancy pics with Finn, and now our 2nd baby announcement. It was only fitting that while Steph was over for Thai food and champagne I snuck off to take a pregnancy test and low and behold while she was in my living room telling stories I secretly discovered I was pregnant with my second kiddo. All good things happen with Thai food and bubbles.
What are some invaluable relationship or family lessons you’ve learned along the way?
Lessons: I think the biggest thing we have learned through all of this is how to ask for help before we have hit our limit so that we aren’t burnt out or anxious, we learned the importance of dating your spouse. We love to reset with a little alone time and a babysitter, and finally, that when things get tough it’s ok to lean on each other for support instead of looking inward for all the answers.
Do you all have any advice for LGBTQIA+ couples planning to start or grow their family? What’s one thing you wish you knew beforehand?
My advice for all LGBTQ folx wanting to have children is this: Get a lawyer that is fully versed in LGBTQFamily Law. Do the 2nd parent adoption and start before baby comes! This process can feel invasive, lengthy, and unnecessary *Get a will in place ASAP. A great LGBTQ Lawyer and expert on family planning/the struggles queer parents face is @connectingrainbows. Lastly, North Dallas Doula Associates have classes on LGBTQ family planning. From picking sperm donors and best cryo banks, to inclusive providers, to induced lactation. They are a fantastic and supportive crew.

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