17 June, 2014 National Pride Month | LGBT Wedding Photographer
This post is in honor of National Pride Month & LGBT Weddings! Seriously, what a big deal! I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to be right in the middle of what is going on in the LGBT community. I cannot believe it has been 1 year since the Supreme Court struck down DOMA & this gorgeous lesbian indian wedding went viral!
Everyone deserves equality. Everyone deserves love. Everyone deserves to have their wedding photographed by a person who is so proud to be documenting their love story and someone who understands the importance of that day. My goal as an out lesbian wedding photographer is not only to capture a couples’ love for each other but I also want you…perfect strangers to be able to feel their love and happiness when you look at the images on your screen. I want them to make you think twice and check your heart. My hope is that my images would destroy any negative stereotype of the gay and lesbian community that might be in your mind. I think of kids who might be struggling every day to find a way to come out and be true to themselves…I hope to God that they are not just “tolerated.” I hope that they are met with open arms and loved unconditionally. I finally came out 7 years ago. It was (and still is) quite the process. Many times it takes its toll on your spirit, but I have found that when I refocus and remember that my beliefs are rooted in love then I can get through anything. Love those who judge you. Love those who act like they are better than you. Show love and compassion for those who don’t understand and be patient…but don’t let the negativity and shame live your heart. Every human being deserves love and respect. Big hugs to YOU. LET IT BE KNOWN that when gay marriage is legal in Texas I am planning a huge group photoshoot on my rooftop overlooking the Dallas skyline so stay tuned for an event on my Facebook! – Steph
Chris Scott
Posted at 00:31h, 18 June“…I hope to God that they are not just “tolerated.” I hope that they are met with open arms and loved unconditionally.”
Yes. Yes. Yes. Thank you for this. And these photos? Absolutely stunning!